Ensuring that the Union Members get the benefits they are entitled to.
On behalf of our direct employer members, the BSA ensures that longshore workers employed by our members receive the collectively-bargained for benefits that they are entitled to and manages, along with the Trustees of the benefits funds, the financial health of the funds.
The local International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) union benefits overseen by BSA staff include pension, retirement, vacation and holiday pay, and health and welfare benefits, which in of itself include comprehensive healthcare coverage, substance abuse treatment programs, dental coverage, short-term disability benefits, life insurance, and accidental death and dismemberment benefits. BSA staff routinely assist retirees and active employees with questions concerning their benefits and regularly advise BSA employer members and the various plans Trustees on numerous issues related to the administration of these benefits.
Bargain on behalf of employer members during union contracts negotiation and to resolve labor/management disputes.
The BSA Executive Director is the lead spokesperson during these negotiations. The BSA will help its members prepare for collective bargaining and lead them through the negotiation process with the goal of reaching a mutually amicable agreement with the ILA unions. Participation in collective bargaining negotiations is not only available for those member employers directly employing ILA workers but also for our members whose maritime operations are affected by the terms and conditions of the BSA-ILA union contracts. Once a collective bargaining agreement is agreed upon, the BSA will oversee the proper administration of the agreement and assist its members with issues related to it. Such assistance includes but is not limited to representation during the grievance process and at arbitration, contract language interpretation and application, and mid-term negotiation and resolution of various matters related to employer operations.
In addition, the BSA is a member of the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX), which is the umbrella organization that oversees the negotiations of the USMX-ILA Master Contract governing universal terms and conditions applicable to all port associations, certain direct employers, carriers and ILA workers along the East and Gulf coasts. As a member of USMX, the BSA represents its members interests during Master Contract negotiations and during the term of this collective bargaining agreement.
Advocating for the continued grown and support of Boston’s working port.
The BSA is a member on various boards and committees that effect the future of waterfront employers and labor. The BSA also speaks at state and local public hearings that concern governmental action impacting the working port and submits to federal, state, and local agencies and media outlets written commentary that highlights the importance of the maritime industry in the Port of Boston.
Of particular importance, is the BSA’s involvement in advocating for the protection of various waterfront properties that are designated port areas, “DPAs”. The Massachusetts laws governing DPAs were specifically enacted to help foster the success and growth of maritime businesses that are dependent on access to the water. It is vital to our industry that the DPA designation for certain areas in the Port of Boston are not amended or removed and the BSA is steadfast in its commitment to preventing such action.