The Boston Shipping Association, Inc (BSA)
Helping Connect Goods and People Since 1946.
Who We Are
The Boston Shipping Association, Inc (BSA) is a trade association representing steamship owners, agents, stevedores, terminal operators, and service organizations and is committed on their behalf to working with the waterfront labor they employ and industry stakeholders to ensure stability for workers and economic prosperity for the Port of Boston, Massachusetts, and the New England region.
Our Services
Benefits Administration
BSA is the plan administrator for a number of joint labor-management benefit funds and assists union employees with their receipt of pension, retirement, health & welfare, and other benefits.
Labor Negotiations
BSA facilitates collaboration between its employer members and labor representatives by negotiating and administrating union collective bargaining agreements.
Marine Industry Advocacy
BSA is focused on advocating for the protection of growth of traditional maritime industries in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Member Companies